Glenn Paton-搜索结果

  • 安乐死过山车 H Positive

    类型:剧情片电影, 惊悚片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Glenn Paton   编剧:Glenn Paton, Nick Walter


      短片「H POSITIVE」中已是绝症晚期、拥有大量财富的男主角,并不甘心平庸地被病痛折磨而死。他选择主动去控制死亡:建造了一个能够让大脑缺氧而死的安乐死过山车,用一种独特而欢愉的方式结束生命。
      If you had a prolonged terminal illness and money was no object, would you manipulate euthanasia so that you could die on your own terms? This story examines how the protagonist Mark uses his wealth to help create a euthanasia roller coaster. A roller coaster so powerful, it causes...